Editor’s Remarks

April 25, 2024 

President Biden officially declared the end to the COVID-19 pandemic on May 11, 2023. We are delighted to present to you a selection of articles that explore the global regulatory landscape in the aftermath of the pandemic. These articles are tied together by an overarching theme exploring the impact of AI which has ushered in a new era of technological innovation that impacts each sector of life and policy. These articles reflect our unwavering commitment to providing thoughtful insight, foster discourse, and inspire action.

Breaking from tradition, we have included a variety of pieces in this issue including academic thesis, short form essays, an interview with experts, and an opinion piece. Additionally, these pieces cover a wide range of topics like the ethics of reparations, the impact of Russian disinformation campaigns in Africa, and the relationship between financial crises and a rise of populism in Brazil. We hope this variety inspires others to share their insights through future submissions with the knowledge that any piece is impactful and publish worthy.

We would like to thank the authors, faculty reviewers, data visualisation team, and our dedicated team of editors who worked tirelessly to ensure the quality and analytical rigor of these pieces. We hope that you, our readers, enjoy this issue and find these articles as impactful as we do.


Alisha Parikh (MPP ’24) & Emma Ford (MPP ’24)

Senior Spring Editors


2024 Editorial Team

  • Jad Maayah

  • Nathan Lesch

  • Emma Ford

    Alisha Parikh

  • Amanda Acevedo

    Sasha (Xiaolong) Li

    Filip Kulakov

    Samantha Schwarz

    David Stout

    Tabitha Wilson

  • Pamela Sharma

    Meghan Hall

  • Skyller Cosme